SACRA believes in unifying inner & out results, this is why we are joining forces with expert practitioners who awaken your body and soul while we care for your skin.
True youth full vibrance & everlasting beauty comes from with. Welcome to SACRA dear Amber Joy Rava, our sacred embodiment Guidesss shares her potent Beauty Spells uniquely tailored for us, seducing you into the center of your power, your dance, your joy… On the Beauty way, you learn how to expand your aura and remember body mudras, divine alignments with the natural world.
By Amber Joy Rava, Dancing the Divine
Beauty Spells for SACRA
SACRA believes in unifying inner & out results, this is why we are joining forces with expert practitioners who awaken your body and soul while we care for your skin. True youth full vibrance & everlasting beauty comes from with.
Welcome to SACRA dear Amber Joy Rava, our sacred embodiment Guidesss shares her potent Beauty Spells uniquely tailored for us, seducing you into the center of your power, your dance, your joy… On the Beauty way, you learn how to expand your aura and remember body mudras, divine alignments with the natural world.
Beauty Spell Session I: Expand your Aura
Take time just for you, move into the mysterious realm of your own body, enjoy the sensations that arise and you awaken the fountain of youth from within.
(Make a little clip of yourself practicing to share your Aura Dance with us, honoring your precious experience we love to witness you in your full beauty!)

Beauty Spell Session II: Magic Wand Body
Awaken your self-love and liberate your SHAKTI (feminine power). Sink into your goddess curves, and touch the primordial of beauty within. Identify the sides of the body as Masculine & Feminine that once acknowledged may be consciously danced into unity!
(Tell us your story, what feelings rose up inside of you during this practice? Make a clip to express your, Dance of the Divine.)
Meet Amber Joy Rava
My journey... It was not a straight line, but rather very curvy, like a cobra. Guided by the light of my passions, serendipity, ancestral alignments, and a deep sense of my life's purpose. Often, I feel I'm everything and nothing at the same time, quite out of time, lucid. A dancer with wings of fire, lifted by radical faith, fearless freedom, and feminine feelings. I understood at a very young age the joy of my own heart, and I love to dance to that beat!
“Amber Joy Rava is a self-made dancing inferno”— HERALD NEW COVER STORY
Performing for Cirque Du Soleil, Cirque Eloize, Circo De Bakuza from 2003 through 2012 and, to this day, countless ceremonies, wedding celebrations, charity events, unique private events, and now even online performances! Invited to share my dance on every continent of the globe, I’ve been blessed with 20 years of spontaneous highlight tribe adventures!
Filled with gratitude and many lessons, first and foremost as an independent performing artist, I respect my whole life as my greatest work of art. Living from my passions has taught me radical self-love and how to trust in my body's magical whispers of wisdom to be here, now.
Exploring my personal process of earthbound, sky-dancing spirit through the magic door of movement. Behind waterfalls, universities, cosmic stages. I danced and lived with ‘Fakira’ Gypsies, whirled on broken glass, charmed Kundalini cobras in ancient MA’ temples as the puja come to life, agni the “sacred fire”.
In 2006, a magical forest called me deep within to the source of jungle medicine. Like a flash, I was guiding others on their shero journey, sharing my tools of transformation through sacred, intentional embodiment. My method organically grew, receiving the name Dancing the Divine soon after, circa 2012-2013, Temple of Dance Brazil was birthed, a dancing dream come true.
I'm a birth-death doula, visionary activator of women and men, an apsara dancing transformation beyond time and space. Living between worlds, dreaming the big vision of planetary healing.